Bamboo Rat Simulator

This is the final projects in the web programming course.
In the game, you will become a bamboo rat.
Try to survive in the strict enviroment!
Their gonna be a lot of severe situation waiting for u!
Finally, find out all methods of death^^


  • Suffer from the the extreme environment
  • Grow bigger and become stronger to challenge your owner.
  • Explore your way to choose the best option everyday to balance your ability value.
  • As the game master, you can set up the difficulties.

Try it yourself

The game above may not be working
Therefore, I suggest click here to go to the website directly.

After you enter the website

  1. Click F12
  2. Click Toggle device toolbar Toggle device toolbar

How to play?

  1. Click start
  2. Register an account
  3. After registraion, click return register
  4. Login sample

Demo video

This is the old version.

If the website cracked, please contact me!