
Three-party Conversation Visualization

An application written in OpenGL capable of capturing and interpreting motion data from three individuals, transforming it into a dynamic visualization. User...


Am Image-Guied Robot for Phlebotomy to Reduce Needle Stick Injuries in Resource-Scarce Area We participated a competition at Chinese University of HongKong.


A compact, low-cost and self-sustaining telemedicine device carried by unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV) to provide prenatal care in resource-scarce communities ...

Simple 3D Software

This is the final projects in the rendering course. Code: Simple 3D Software

Bamboo Rat Simulator

This is the final projects in the web programming course. In the game, you will become a bamboo rat. Try to survive in the strict enviroment! Their gonna ...

Path Tracing

This is the final projects in the Computer Graphics course in 2019. We try to implement path tracing. But we did not complete it well.

Remote car

In my lab, I build a robotic car, I designed it by SolidWorks on my own and produced the component by 3DP easily. Then, I learned how to control them by Rasp...


This is the final projects in the Computer Graphics course in 2018. This is the old version of OpenGL, so it might be a litte different from the new versio...

Cranial bone repair

Using modeling perspectives supplemented with 3D measurement for advanced cranium repair We participated a 3D Scanning Application Competition 2018, and got ...


This a small game made from the course: multimedia.