Transcranial direct current stimulation(tDCS)


tDCS is a technology that enhances the cognitive functions of the recipient by introducing a small, stable direct current through specific areas of the brain. This model is the exterior casing for a tDCS device; we’ve carved threads into the four corners of the box to secure the lid and designed a stylish logo to add texture and make our device’s appearance less stiff and boring.


It employs a weak direct current that continuously stimulates the brain through the scalp, with anode and cathode directionality. The anode can increase the activity level of the cerebral cortex, while the cathode can reduce excitability.

Design concept

Our design is inspired by the famous brand Apple’s LOGO, resulting in a brand new LOGO drawn entirely in Solidworks. It is essentially a box with a lid, and we’ve added four circular holes on the side for the switch, LED light, and two electrodes. The reason for the open design of the logo on top is because we will affix frosted paper to it, so when the device switch is turned on, the apple on top lights up!


Design layout




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