Simple 3D Software

This is the final projects in the rendering course.


Simple 3D Software

Operating System

Windows 10, visual studio 15 2017 Win64



  1. cmake install here
  2. conan - package manager (windows) install here

Open command prompt

set PATH="C:\Program File\CMake\bin\";%PATH%

Clone the repository

git clone

Create “build” folder in the repository

cd simple-3D-software
mkdir build && cd build

conan remote add bincrafters
conan install .. --build glad -sbuild_type=Debug
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"


cd build
cmake --build .


cd build
start bin\app.exe

Application Instruction

  1. Execute the application
    cd build
    start bin\app.exe
  2. Click the drop down menu at the left, and click “add” to add a built-in object or click “Load obj” to read objects.
  3. If choosing “Load obj”, it will pop up a file directory and the user can choose files from the bottom right.
  4. After adding new objects, the windows will add an extra section like below, the user can change color, translate, rotation, scale of the object. Other than built-in color, we also provide the user to load customize textures by clicking “Load Texture”
  5. Holding scrolling wheel and moving to change perspective.
  6. Scroll the wheel to zoom.
  7. This application includes abmient, diffuse, and specular lighting.


  1. GLFW3
  2. ImGui

Demo video
