Face Detection in Large Distance

Modify YOLOv8 by integrating super resolution and transformer layer.


Face Detection in Large Distance


First, we have to create an anaconda environment installed with required libraries for our porject.

conda create -n team6 -c pytorch pytorch torchvision
conda activate team6
pip install -r requirements.txt


Our project have several steps, so we separate all the code to three folders: DataProcessing, Training, Testing (We suggest not running data processing and training cuase it would take a long time)

  1. Data Processing:
    1. Construct the data structure to fulfill the YOLO requirement
    2. Enhance the heavy blur images in wider face dataset by using super resolution
  2. Training:
    1. We finetuned Yolov8 model for face detection.
    2. Train with enhanced images
    3. Train with transformer
    4. Train with both enchanced images and transformer
    5. Train with transformer using 100 epochs
    6. Train with transformer using 300 epochs
  3. Testing and Evaluation:
    1. Predicting results using all the models (6 models)
    2. Evaluate all the models.

Data Processing

clone the this repository

cd DataProcessing
git clone https://github.com/sczhou/CodeFormer
cd CodeFormer

Then install more libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt
python basicsr/setup.py develop
conda install -c conda-forge dlib  #(only for face detection or cropping with dlib)
  1. Preparing data: Find all the heavy blur images in train and val dataset, and put them in a new folder. Which will run the process file through terminal, to download WilderFace data and prepare the data for enhancement. It takes time.
    python ../wilderface.py
  2. Run Super Resolution (It will take forever.)
    python inference_codeformer.py -w 0.7 --input_path ./train_heavy_blur --bg_upsampler realesrgan --face_upsample --output_path ./train_enhanced
    python inference_codeformer.py -w 0.7 --input_path ./val_heavy_blur --bg_upsampler realesrgan --face_upsample --output_path ./val_enhanced
  3. Resize the enhanced image to their original size
    python ../resize.py
  4. Prepare YOLO style files
    python ../yolov7_train_face_data_preparation.py

    This will generate folders “train” “val” in the data/widerface and the widerface.yaml compress “train”,”val” folder as well as widerface.yaml to a zip file, this will be used for training.

  5. Prepare YOLO style enhanced files for training
    python ../enhanced_widerface.py

    this will copy the enhanced images to the train,val images files, compress them like the previous step, this will be used for training.

  6. Prepare WiderFace style WIDER_val/images with enhanced file
      python ../wilderface_val_enhance.py 

    this will copy the enhanced val images to the WIDER_val/images, compress it for testing.


# Go to Training folder
cd Training

We have two datasets in this folder for training:

Data sets Description
data the original dataset of Wider Face
data_enhanced the enhanced dataset of Wider Face

The training here use our proposed architecture which add an additional transformer layer on yolov8. It will be trained using original image with 300 epochs.

# Here we can try with different options for training.
# 1. Train on original train data for 30 epochs
python train.py -option yolov8_30
# 2. Train on enhanced train data for 30 epochs
python train.py -option yolov8_30_enhanced
# 3. Train on original train data for 30 epochs with additional transformer layer
python train.py -option yolov8_30_transformer

# 4. Train on enhanced train data for 30 epochs with additional transformer layer
python train.py -option yolov8_30_transformer_enhanced
# 5. Train on original train data for 100 epochs with additional transformer layer
python train.py -option yolov8_100_transformer
# 6. Train on original train data for 300 epochs with additional transformer layer
python train.py -option yolov8_300_transformer

Testing and Evaluation

# Go to Testing folder
cd Testing

We have two validation sets in this folder for evaluation:

Data sets Description
WIDER_val the original validation data of Wider Face
WIDER_val_enhanced the enhanced validation data of Wider Face

As mentioned, we have several model weights in this folder:

Model weights Description
yolov8_30.pt model trained on original train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_30_enhanced.pt model trained on enhanced train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_30_transformer.pt model with transformer trained on original train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_30_transformer_enhanced.pt model with transformer trained on enhanced train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_100_transformer.pt model with transformer trained on original train data for 100 epochs
yolov8_300_transformer.pt model with transformer trained on original train data for 300 epochs

Therefore, we have 6 result folders

Result folder Description
yolov8_30_output model trained on original train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_30_enhanced_output model trained on enhanced train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_30_transformer_output model with transformer trained on original train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_30_transformer_enhanced_output model with transformer trained on enhanced train data for 30 epochs
yolov8_100_transformer_output model with transformer trained on original train data for 100 epochs
yolov8_300_transformer_output model with transformer trained on original train data for 300 epochs

To test the result from pre-trained model

  1. Run the test.py to get output Format: python test.py -model ‘path for the weight’ -input ‘path for input images’ -output ‘output path’
#example1: testing on the yolov8_30.pt with original validation data and output to yolov8_30_output
python test.py -model yolov8_30.pt -input WIDER_val/images/ -output yolov8_30_output/

#example2: testing on the yolov8_30_enhanced with enhanced validation data and output to yolov8_30_enhanced_output/
python test.py -model yolov8_30_enhanced.pt -input WIDER_val_enhanced/images/ -output yolov8_30_enhanced_output/
  1. Show one result, note that it takes about 30ms for one image, exit by press any key. Format: python test_single_img.py -model ‘weight path’ -img ‘image path’
python test_single_img.py -model yolov8_30.pt -img WIDER_val/images/0--Parade/0_Parade_marchingband_1_20.jpg

To evaluate the predicted result on widerface

We use the code from https://github.com/derronqi/yolov7-face/tree/main/widerface_evaluate to evaluate the result.

#step1. Get in the widerface_evaluate folder
cd widerface_evaluate

#step2. Build the code
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

#step3. run the evaluation
# format: python3 evaluation.py -p 'predict result path' -g 'ground_truth path'

python evaluation.py -p ../widerface_result_txt -g ground_truth

